Welcome to Korea Haptics Community (KHC)

KHC is a community of people who are engaged in haptics research or relevant industry of Korea. Our missions are to promote haptics research by providing opportunities for exchanging ideas and progresses between related researchers and to contribute to the industry by incorporating research results into commercialization. Anyone who is interested in haptics can join our community and share related information through this homepage.

We have regular gatherings for seminars, workshops, and visits to laboratories. Affiliated research groups in academics and industry includes:

* Interaction Laboratory, KUT
* Smart Interface Laboratory, ETRI
* Human Machine Computer Interface Laboratory, GIST
* Telerobotics & Control Laboratory, KAIST
* Computer Graphics & Virtualization Laboratory, KAIST
* Haptics and Virtual Reality Laboratory, POSTECH
* Intelligence and Interaction Research Center, KIST

At present, the main contents of this homepage are provided only in Korean. If you need any more information and contact KHC, please send an e-mail to khaptics@gmail.com or anyone listed below in the board members.

Thanks again for visiting our homepage.


The Board Members (4th)


Chair Jinah Park Computer Graphics & Visualization Laboratory, KAIST jinah@cs.kaist.ac.kr
Vice Chair Sang-Youn Kim Interaction Laboratory, KUT sykim@koreatech.ac.kr
Manager Tae-Heon Yang Center for Mass and Related Quantities, KRISS thyang@kriss.re.kr


Previous Board Members


The 3rd


Chair Jeha Ryu Human Machine Computer Interface Laboratory, GIST ryu@gist.ac.kr
Vice Chair Seungmoon Choi Haptics and Virtual Reality Laboratory, POSTECH choism@postech.ac.kr
Secretary Sang-Youn Kim Interactive Virtual Reality Laboratory, KUT sykim@kut.ac.kr


The 2nd


Chair Junseok Park Smart Interface Laboratory, ETRI parkjs@etri.re.kr
Vice Chair Moonchae Joung LG Electronics mc.joung@lge.com
Secretary Sang-Youn Kim Interactive Virtual Reality Laboratory, KUT sykim@kut.ac.kr
Secretary Seungmoon Choi Haptics and Virtual Reality Laboratory, POSTECH choism@postech.ac.kr


The 1st


Chair Dong-Soo Kwon Telerobotics & Control Laboratory, KAIST kwonds@kaist.ac.kr
Vice Chair Jeha Ryu Human Machine Computer Interface Laboratory, GIST ryu@gist.ac.kr
Vice Chair Junseok Park Smart Interface Laboratory, ETRI parkjs@etri.re.kr
Secretary Sang-Youn Kim Interactive Virtual Reality Laboratory, KUT sykim@kut.ac.kr
Secretary Seungmoon Choi Haptics and Virtual Reality Laboratory, POSTECH choism@postech.ac.kr